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From 16 Months to 8th Grade

Developing our Plan

Chiaravalle 2030 line drawing

Chiaravalle’s Board of Trustees appointed an eight-person Strategic Planning Committee at the beginning of the 2023-24 school year to collaborate with school administrators, faculty, students, and members of the school community to develop a comprehensive strategic plan to guide the school’s growth, sustainability, and continuous improvement in alignment with our mission and values. 

The strategic planning process included the following activities:

  • A review of the school’s progress on goals and strategies outlined in the 2017 Strategic Plan
  • A review of peer institutions’ strategic plans to benchmark Chiaravalle and assess market dynamics in the operating environment
  • A review of the identified plans and priorities in the school’s 2022-23 Self Study Report
  • Recommendations provided by the 2024 ISACS and AMS Accreditation Visiting Team
  • Gathering input and strategic direction from the Board of Trustees to inform key priorities
  • Four focus group discussions with more than two dozen parents and caregivers representing families at all stages of the Chiaravalle journey
  • A review of surveys of the school’s faculty, staff, and student body
  • Using Participatory Narrative Inquiry to gather nearly one hundred stories of lived experiences from the school’s board, faculty, staff, parents, and alumni, then facilitating group sensemaking sessions with these stories to develop a shared understanding of what “community” means at Chiaravalle

The group developed four primary strategic goals based on input from the Board of Trustees at its April 2023 retreat, October 2023 retreat and the Self Study Report. These goals were shared with the board for feedback and refinement in December 2023.

Subsequent drafts of the plan were shared with the Board’s Executive Committee, Head of School, and administration for feedback. The Board of Trustees reviewed and provided feedback on a draft version of the plan at its April 2024 retreat. Additional feedback was provided at various points between January and May by administrative staff and select community stakeholders from the staff, faculty, and families.

The Chiaravalle 2030 Strategic Plan was approved by the Strategic Planning Committee on May 8, 2024, and by the Chiaravalle Board of Trustees on May 15, 2024.

Strategic Plan Committee Members

George DeMet, Chair
Kaitlin Fahey
Becca Groothuis
Amy Kontrick
Robyn McCloud-Springer
Cheryl McIntosh-Lombardo
Sara O’Mara
Natalya Sanghvi, ‘10